Celtic Legal

About us

A job worth doing is worth doing well.

Celtic Legal, founded in 2007, is a specialized document review service that will meet all your document review needs big or small. While we are a small company, we have worked on cases involving over 100 million documents and were the document review team for Oklahoma in the infamous opioid trial against Johnson & Johnson, Purdue and Teva.

Celtic Legal is unique in the document review industry in that our reviewers are available 24/7. They take great pride in what they do and consistently exceed our clients' expectations. We run daily QC checks and address issues the minute they arise. We also recommend cost-saving measures to the client if we find that a review is inefficient.

Our reviewers conduct reviews remotely from satellite locations. Although we are happy to work on-site should the client choose, we find remote review preferable from both a financial and logistical point of view. Through cloud computing and real time technology, communication is seamless. Our reviewers maintain constant contact with their project lead who in turn relays information to the client. We believe that this method of review keeps overhead to a minimum, with the savings passed on to the client. For instance, should a database go down for whatever reason, the client would not be billed for a team of reviewers sitting idle on site. Further, the client can contact our reviewers at any time and at any place in the world as opposed to being constrained to office hours. Phone calls in the wee hours of a weekend are not unusual at Celtic Legal!

Celtic Legal’s team of specialists have familiarity with many document databases including: Catalyst, Concordance, iConect, Ringtail, Relativity, Xera and Summation. We are also specialized in Acrobat and Excel.